Friday, May 15, 2009

And the purpose is........

All of mankind holds a power within their hearts..... It is the power of life... This force is fragile, but eternal..... Life begets more life and the cycle continues.... this force is what drives it all.....

So, why are we here...?? What is our purpose of life..?? Why are we born to this life..?? Are we here for some reason..?? or are we just merely a pawn on a chess board played by GOD..?? destined to entertained GOD..??

I believe everybody on Earth have their own purposes of living in this world... I think most people are born to this life in order to make it a better life for others.... for 1 example is like helping each other... this can be counted as one of the many purposes of us living... making the world a better place to live in is another one.....

Somehow.... (I don't know whether will the reader understand or not) we depend on each other in order to fullfill our purposes of life..... Life depends on other life..... and therefore, there will be good lives and the bad ones.... and they exist together.....

People are born with different purposes.... some exist in order to bring out the potential of others.... and some needs the motivation from others to tap into his/her maximum potential.... an example... a begger or an old man sleeping homelessly on the road....(they have their purpose too, you know..) you see, 'someone' will feel pity towards the poor lonely old man.... and because of that scene, that 'someone' will realise, how lucky he/she was... and will try to prevent that same thing from happening to others....(or atleast himself) that is the purpose of this 'someone'.... while for this old man.... unfortunately, his purpose of life is to make this 'someone' realise that luckiness he holds......

thinking on this can be quite a headache........
well, this is life..... accept it..........

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