Monday, May 25, 2009

Bombardment............... by '?????'

Ok, 2 weeks have passed since i entered form6...... yes.... it's only been 2 weeks..... but though it seems like it has been 2 months..... kind of crapping if you think.... going back to school life.... but what the heck, so be it... (life's a crap you know...)

But with just 2 weeks in, I'm starting to doubt my abilities of studying form6... whether will I be able to cope with the syllabus.... 2 weeks... and I have been bombarded by lots and lots of question marks in my brain on both physics and maths subject......... but I will definitely try my best to overcome it...... it's the same... I'm sure everybody feels the same.... ok maybe not everybody... but majority...... if not the minority......... (-_-lll)...... XD

(or maybe it's just me..??) see it's another question mark..!!!!

Syllabus of form6 is so much more complicated and difficult as compared to form5 and form4....... sometimes I feel like punching a person in the face if that person says that form4 and form5 maths and physics are tough......(yeah I'll punch him real hard)..... If there was a time machine.... I'll definitely go back in time and punch ownself first...... those who say that surely have not seen form6 syllabus.......

Can't wait for the holidays to come....... that's when I can get a break from those '????'..... But I may be quite busy then... so who knows...?? the future is uncertain... things won't always go as planned.....

Life is like that..... it craps... and it also sucks.... though that is what makes it interesting and beautiful......... confused..?? here's a question mark to you..... it's a gift.... from me to you... haha.............

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