Sunday, May 3, 2009

Decisions to be made

In life, we face all sorts of problems and decisions are to be made....
But it's never easy to make a decision.....
We can never determine whether or not a decision is made correctly...
only the person who made that decision knows for himself....

Sometimes it's better to have no choice at all than to have lots of it.....
choices make people headache.... although some prefer to have plenty of choices..
still, generally speaking, choices do more harm than good....

Decision making becomes more and more important as we grow...
As we grow in life, more decisions must be made,
such as "what do I want to study?" or "where to study?" and so many more....
It gets worse when we go out to the real world.....
Challenging it will be.......

That is why we have education..... Education in school days is just not for examinations....
That is what I realised now...... not before but now......
Education is given to us by our parents and through teachers in school,
in order for us to make the right decision for ourselves....
Education allows us to diffrentiate between right and wrong, good and bad, black and white in life....
Thus, educating us to make the best decision at times....

Once a decision is made, regreting it... is useless....
If a decision is made wrongly, be sure to make it right next time or at least a better one....
Looking back at those decisions made wrongly, and learning what went wrong...
can polish one's decision making abilty.....

Decisions will continue to exist in our lives....
Running from it is never an option...........

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